Alternative Therapies and Natural Treatments that Work
Acupuncture is an ancient alternative medicine involving very thin needles inserted into specific parts of the body.The theory is that the problems are caused by blocked energy in the meridians of the body. The blockage in these energy pathways is believed to cause pain. The acupuncture releases this trapped energy and allows it to flow properly. According to National institute of health acupuncture has helped with the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Research is ongoing as to the benefits of this alternative treatment. Acupuncture for carpal tunnel syndrome would be performed on the wrist, hands and upper extremities.

Acupressure is another natural treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome it is similar in theory to that of acupuncture but does not involve the use of needles. Pressure is applied with your fingers to different meridians usually on the arms and wrists. This alternative therapy for carpal tunnel syndrome can be performed by yourself and is generally considered helpful in preventing carpal tunnel syndrome from becoming more severe. Acupressure is most effective in the early stages of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Yoga has also been considered an effective alternative therapy for treating carpal tunnel syndrome. Yoga according to not only reduced pain but actually increased hand strength. Compared to people with just splints which showed no decrease in pain or increase in strength. Most yoga exercises for the natural treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome are relatively simple to learn. Joining a class to learn the ropes is generally recommended until the techniques are learned, then yoga can be practiced at home.

The deficiency of vitamins B6 and B12 have been shown to play a role in developing carpal tunnel syndrome. A natural treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome should include vitamins B6 and B12 in your diet. Bromelain is an enzyme extracted from pineapples and is often used as a natural treatment to reduce inflammation in the body. Vitamin B6 as well as Bromelain require many weeks time to start showing results. Arnica on the other hand has shown relief in as little as two weeks time. Arnica which belongs to the sunflower family has been used medicinally since the
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