Address Your Health Concerns with Integrative Medicine

With healthcare having become such a question mark in the last few years, Americans are looking for ways to take a more active role in addressing the needs of their health. The advance of global medicines opens up a number of new health care options for Americans. With it’s wide variety of safe and effective treatments, many people are turning to the curative power of Integrative Medicine.

What is Integrative Medicine?

Integrative Medicine refers to healthcare services and education not often found in traditional Western medical centers. Integrative Medicine incorporates the art and science of caring for the whole person – body, mind and spirit – to treat and prevent disease, encouraging patients to create optimal health conditions.

Unlike contemporary Western medicine, many global medicines offer holistic health care treatment whose results have not necessarily undergone traditional ‘lab research’ verification. Mind-body techniques, energy healing and manipulative body-based practices are not necessarily easy to quantify. Integrative Medicine centers are attempting to bridge this gap by providing an evidence-based, patient-centered approach to holistic health care.

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