Acupuncture Treats Peripheral Neuropathy
Acupuncture is a powerful tool not only to balance qi - or energy - in the body, but to bring peace, hope and alignment into the mind, emotions and spirit as well.

When there is numbness in the periphery, there is not enough qi reaching these areas, according to traditional Chinese medicine. This can be for a variety of reasons, but mainly either:

there is too little energy in that organ system/meridian (energy pathway)

something is blocking the energy from reaching the area.

Sometimes there will be a combination of the two, and often multiple organ systems/meridians are involved. There are also different causes for the condition. Each of these things is considered and addressed by the acupuncturist, and a treatment plan which best suits the patient is mapped out.

In general, treatment would involve selecting points that promote circulation of energy in the meridians. If heat or cold is the cause, treatment would include either dissipating heat or warming coldness.(5)

Sometimes, weakness and flaccidity in the extremities is classified as wei syndrome. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, this results from malnourishment of the tendons due to depletion of body fluids, caused by "excess heat" remaining in the body after illness.(6) Wei syndrome often requires longer periods of treatment.

Acupuncture often brings immediate relief - especially when there is pain - though it will likely take a series of treatments for the feeling and strength to come back completely and for the body to stay in balance, providing lasting effects. How often or how long treatment should proceed will be individual, depending on the cause and the overall constitution and health of the patient. As mentioned above, Wei syndrome can require a long course of treatment.

Acupuncture works by treating the person as a whole, balancing body, mind and spirit and allowing the body to do what it needs to do to heal itself. Acupuncture helps remove blocks, helps the body focus on increasing energy in areas of deficiency, and helps the patient be more present and focused, but ultimately it is our own bodies and energy that are able to heal.
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