5 Home Remedies for Anemia
Home Remedies From the Cupboard
Blackstrap molasses. Consider covering waffles or pancakes in a little molasses. Blackstrap molasses has long been known as a nutritional powerhouse. Containing 3.5 mg of iron per tablespoon, blackstrap molasses has been used in folk medicine as a "blood builder" for centuries.
Dry cereal. Fix yourself a bowl of your favorite cereal (go for one without the sugar and the cartoon characters on the box), and you'll be waging a battle against anemia. These days, many cereals are fortified with a nutrient punch of iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid (check the label for amounts per serving). Pour some milk over your flakes, and dig in.
Home Remedies From the Refrigerator
Beef liver. Beef liver is rich in iron and all the B vitamins (including B12 and folic acid). In fact, beef liver contains more iron per serving -- 5.8 mg per 3 ounces -- than any other food. Other animal sources of iron include eggs, cheese, fish, lean sirloin, lean ground beef, and chicken.
Beets. Beets are rich in folic acid, as well as many other nutrients, such as fiber and potassium. The easiest and most flavorful way to prepare beets is in the microwave. Keep the skin on when cooking, but peel before eating. The most nutrient-dense part of the beet is right under the skin.
Spinach. Green leafy vegetables contain loads of iron and folic acid. We're talking dark and green (iceberg lettuce, for example, is mostly water and is of little nutritive value), so choose your leaves carefully. Spinach has 3.2 mg of iron and 130 mcg of folic acid per 1/2 cup.
Do Remember
If you're a vegetarian or have cut way down on your intake of meats, milk, and eggs, you are at greater risk for anemia caused by nutritional deficiency because iron from plant sources isn't absorbed as well as iron from animal sources; also, vitamin B12 is found almost exclusively in animal foods. Be sure that you're getting adequate amounts of iron and vitamin B12 in your diet.
Eat foods rich in vitamin C at the same time that you eat whole grains, spinach, and legumes. This will increase absorption of the iron in these foods.
If you drink coffee or tea, do so between meals rather than with meals; caffeine in these beverages reduces iron absorption.
Anemia can be difficult to diagnose because the fatigue associated with it is easily mistaken for a number of other conditions. If your doctor has diagnosed you with anemia, these home remedies can help on your road to recovery.
