The Alternative Remedies Library
Anemia - Home Remedies


Anemia Home Remedies

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Follow the famous saying that “an apple a day keeps a doctor away. Just modify it to two three apples a day and keep doctor away. Apple is rich in iron content and there fore it is quite helpful in READ MORE


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Tip 1: 1 Cup beetroot juice, 1 cup of apple juice, mixed with either sugar or honey once a day. Tip 2: Consume a ripe banana with 1 tbsp of honey 2 times a day. Tip 3: Soak 10 currants ove READ MORE

Home Remedy for Anaemia

Votes:14 Comments:0
A proper, well-balanced diet is very beneficial for anemic people. Their diet should constitute of cereals, rice, pastas, dairy products (milk, yogurt and cheese), dry beans, eggs, vegetables and frui READ MORE

5 Home Remedies for Anemia

Votes:25 Comments:0
Home Remedies From the Cupboard Blackstrap molasses. Consider covering waffles or pancakes in a little molasses. Blackstrap molasses has long been known as a nutritional powerhouse. Containing 3.5 mg READ MORE

Home Remedies for Anemia

Votes:22 Comments:0
1] Having bath with cold water twice a day. 2] Professional massages to flush out body toxins. 3] Practicing deep breathing exercises for ten minutes a day. 4] Practicing yoga and involving o READ MORE

Home Remedies For Anemia

Votes:11 Comments:0
How to Cure Anemia with Natural Treatments 1. Drink daily: 2-3 cups of white cabbage juice 2. Eat a lot of dried fruits 3. Eat a lot of cooked lentils 4. Eat liver, lamb, apples and q READ MORE
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