
The Alternative Remedies Library
Post Nasal Drip - Home Remedies


13 Tips to Turn It Off

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Blow your nose regularly. Ths may be so obvious that you overlook it, says Jerald Principato, M.D., an otolaryngologist in private practice in Bethesda, Maryland, and associate clinical professor of o READ MORE

4 Home Remedies for Postnasal Drip

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Home Remedies from the Cupboard Salt. Gargling with salt water can help soothe your sore throat. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt to 1 cup water and gargle away. Home Remedies from the Refrigerator Baking s READ MORE

How to Treat Postnasal Drip With Alternative Remedies

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Step 1 Do a saltwater gargle with a glass of warm water with 1/3 teaspoon of salt added to it. This can clear the drainage caused by post-nasal drip. The amount of salt used should be safe enough for READ MORE

5 Home Remedies for Postnasal Drip

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There's nothing pleasant about noticeable postnasal drip. And here are some home remedies that can help you deal with the situation. Use a Humidifier to Fight Postnasal Drip If dry nasal passag READ MORE
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