Restless Leg Syndrome Home Remedy
Managing restless leg syndrome symptoms can be done at home. When restless leg syndrome home remedies don’t provide sufficient relief from symptoms, your health care professional may need to prescribe medication or other treatment.

Home remedies for restless leg syndrome:

Avoid stimulants
Helps alleviate tingling sensation symptoms. Some prescribed and over-the-counter medications have stimulants in them Medications that are labeled “non-drowsy” usually have an ingredient that is a stimulant. Read the ingredients on sodas to avoid caffeine. Choose de-caffeinated or caffeine-free alternatives in beverages. Carob is a caffeine free alternative to chocolate. Sources of caffeine:

Energy drinks
Get proper rest
Helps reduce restless leg syndrome symptoms. Avoid becoming overly tired, fatigued, or stressed because it can trigger the symptoms of RLS. Be alert and mentally active before bedtime. Avoid boredom in the evenings. It’s best to go to bed before feeling drowsy.

Have regular exercise program
Helps very mild cases of restless leg syndrome symptoms. At the initial start of an exercise program, symptoms may temporarily increase. Within a week or two, the mild symptoms should decrease.

Direct care of legs
Helps with all RLS symptoms. Avoid extreme temperatures (hot tubs, cold swimming pools, winter conditions), hot baths, leg massages, and using a heating pad on the legs.

Other remedies and treatments
Reduces restless leg symptoms. Use pain relievers (over-the-counter), take vitamin supplements, and add mineral supplements.

Since there is so little known about RLS, it may take time to find a home remedy treatment that is effective. Keep a log of symptoms and trial remedies. Try only one at a time to determine effectiveness accurately. Give each treatment 2-3 weeks to show results. In the event that restless leg syndrome home remedies are not effective, the log will be helpful to your medical care professional to accurately diagnose RLS and develop a personalized treatment plan.

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