Natural home remedies for the treatment of hearing loss

Echinacea aids poor equilibrium and reduces dizziness. It also fights infection and helps reduce congestion. It can be taken in tea or capsule form.

To soothe inflammation and fight infection, mullein oil can be used as ear drops. If mullein is not available, garlic oil or liquid extract (Kyolic) may be substituted.

Eat fresh pineapple frequently to reduce inflammation. Also include plenty of garlic, kelp, and sea vegetables in your diet.

For an ear infection, put 2 to 4 drops of warm (not hot) liquid garlic extract in the affected ear. (If both ears are infected, do not use the same dropper for both ears, as it may spread infection.) This treatment is very helpful for children.

Pound fenugreek seeds and put them in hot oil. Filter and cool it to a bearable temperature. This oil should be used as eardrops.

Wash the ear with water in which neem leaves or neem bark has been boiled. This is very effective for a earache.

For earwax buildup, clean or irrigate your ears using either a solution of 1 part vinegar to 1 part warm water, or a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Using an eyedropper, place a few drops in your ear, allow them to settle for a minute, then drain. Repeat the process with the other ear. Do this two or three times a day. Do not use cotton swabs to clean inside the ear canal, as this can push wax further into the ear canal and exacerbate the problem. If the wax is hard and dry, apply garlic oil for a day or two to soften it. Then wash out the ear with a steady stream of warm water. Be patient, continue to irrigate the ear canal, and flush with warm water. Most cases of ear wax buildup can be treated by this method. Another method of removing excess ear wax, called ear candling, uses special candles available at health food stores. Instructions for the procedure are included with the candles. The candling procedure requires assistance, so do not attempt this by yourself
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