Natural Home Remedy

Early and adequate treatment of the first small patch of impetigo can prevent the spread of the disease. The child patient should be kept isolated until the condition is cleared up, so as to prevent the spread of infection. He should be prevented from scratching the scabs. He should have his own sponge and towel. No other member of the family should use these articles. They should be changed frequently and washed separately. The use of harsh detergent should be avoided clothes should be thoroughly rinsed.

The use of turnip (salgum) is one such remedy. A few chopped turnip pieces after thorough cleaning should be immersed in rice starch (kangi) or any natural vinegar for about six hours. They should then be eaten by the patient.

Garlic is useful in relieving constant itching caused by this disease. This vegetable should be crushed and spread over irritated areas. One or two cloves of garlic should be chewed for better results. This helps in to the impetigo.
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