How To Combat Memory Loss
Memory loss may be temporary due to increased stress levels or simply due to the natural aging process. It can be very frightening for someone who is beginning to experience it but there are things that can prevent or improve memory loss. It is important to find the cause of so that you can effectively tackle it.

Memory loss is often a common ´side-effect´ of aging and the older we get, the worse our memory seems to get. You can not prevent the aging process, however you can slow the results of the aging process - including memory loss.

Exercise is also important. Not just physical exercise that improves your heart health and general fitness, but also exercises for your brain. By keeping the mind active, you help to stop it failing due to lack of use. Deductive reasoning exercises and those that make you access your memory banks will be very effective, like Sodokuu and crossword puzzles. It is never too late to learn and if you start to learn a new skill and practice it, your mind will keep working.

Other Causes Of Memory Loss

It is important to note that if memory loss is due to the natural aging process it will be gradual. If it is sudden or severe you should consult your doctor so that they can identify the cause of the problem and treat it. Alzheimer’s, seizures, brain tumors, infection, strokes and other diseases of a neurodegenerative origin cause memory loss in rare circumstances and should be treated immediately. If the cause is something other than natural memory loss, your condition can still benefit from the tips mentioned above, helping to improve or slow down the symptoms.

Depression can prevent your brain from functioning properly due to a chemical imbalance. Should you notice some memory loss together with other symptoms associated with depression such as lack of appetite, sadness lack of desire to do anything, consult your doctor immediately. With treatment including medication, exercise and healthy eating your depression can be treated.

If you started taking new medication shortly before noticing your memory loss you should check with your doctor if it is a side-effect of the drug. Some drugs can make you forgetful simply because they make you extremely tired. Others, in particular barbiturates, can stop you remembering things altogether. There are usually various options for medications and you can discuss trying a different one with your doctor who will confirm which other medications are available for your condition. Just make sure to check if they have memory loss as a side effect!

Another alternative is to research herbal remedies as they usually have less side effects than drugs.

Loss of memory can be merely an inconvenience or distressing for those with more severe memory loss. Whatever the cause of the memory loss, you should tackle it early on. The quicker you do, the sooner you can identify the cause and deal with it. As a preventative measure it is always good to keep your mind active and it is never to late to learn something new.

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