Home Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome
Home Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome: Walk Around

If you lay down and you feel the sudden urge to move your legs, walking around the house may be the only thing that calms them enough to sleep. Sometimes, however, walking may only help for a little while and when you lay back down, the symptoms may return. If restless leg syndrome gets too severe that walking may not help, it is time to see a doctor for prescription medication.

Home Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome: Cut Down on Caffeine

Cut down on any caffeine substances you might be consuming, especially at night. Coffee, tea, chocolate, soda, and some over-the-counter medications contain some form of caffeine. If you do intend to consume caffeine containing food or beverages, do not take them before bedtime as caffeine may make the situation with restless leg syndrome even worse.

Home Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome: Check Out Your Medication

Some over-the-counter medication and prescription medication may contain stimulants that can cause or make restless leg syndrome worse. For over-the-counter medications, check out the bottle or box to see what it contains and if it contains stimulants, cut down or stop taking it until you see a doctor. For prescription medications, speak to your doctor to find out if it can be the cause of your restless le syndrome or may be making it worse and find out if you should have the dose lowered or stop the medication altogether.

Home Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome: Take a Bath or Massage

Taking a warm bath or massaging your legs can relax leg muscles and prevent or relieve restless leg syndrome. Take a bath or massage your legs before going to bed to prevent restless leg syndrome. If you don't take one before bed, take one while experiencing restless leg syndrome to help relieve the symptoms.

Home Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome: Change Your Temperature

Try changing your temperature from hot to cold or cold to hot. Use a heating pad or warm towel on your legs to help prevent and relieve restless leg syndrome or place a cool towel on your legs. Changing your temperature just might prevent and relieve restless leg syndrome.

Home Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome: Pay Attention to Your Diet

Some doctor's think that an iron, folate, or magnesium deficiency may contribute to the effects of restless leg syndrome. Pay attention to your diet and make sure you are getting the right nutrients you need. Supplements may help also.

Home Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome: Stick to a Routine

Sticking to a routine and going to bed at the same time every night may help ease the symptoms of restless leg syndrome. Fatigue can be a contributing factor in restless leg syndrome and getting a good night sleep every night may help lessen the symptoms or prevent restless leg syndrome altogether.

Home Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome: Ease Your Stress

Stress can make restless leg syndrome worse and easing stress before going to bed can help prevent it. Do whatever you can to help relax and ease the stress of the day before going to bed.

Home Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome: Exercise

Mild exercise before going to bed can help prevent restless leg syndrome and relieve it when you are experiencing it. Exercise your legs by taking a walk every day. Also stretching your leg and butt muscles before going to bed can help prevent restless leg syndrome.

Home Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome: Warm Your Feet

Some experts believe that those who suffer from restless leg syndrome also have cold feet often. Wear socks to bed every night and see if it helps relieve your restless legs.

If none of these home remedies help ease your restless leg syndrome, see a doctor as soon as you can.

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