Home Remedies for Itches and Rash
1. Melt 3 full spoons of potato flour in a glass of water, add to a bucket of water, repeat with more buckets and fill up a tub. Relax in the tub for 15 minutes several times a day.

2. Chop mint leaves to get dough and apply on the itch.

3. Chickenpox itch: Fill up a warm tub; add oat and the same amount of potato flour. Wash as many times as possible.

4. Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric to half a glass of water and drink.

5. Squeeze basil leaves and apply on the itches.

6. Grind few fresh basil leaves with one tablespoon of olive oil, 2 garlic cloves, salt and pepper then Smear on the itch.

7. Fill up a warm tub and add oatmeal (1 cup for every 2 liter).

8. Shaving itches: Put chamomile in warm water, cool, drain and refrigerate. Apply on the skin with a cotton ball for 10 minutes. Can also use chamomile tea bags to put on the skin.

Home remedy for rash:
Smear almonds oil on the rash.

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