Herbal Remedies for Sore Throat

Herbs can reduce pain and inflammation, provide temporary relief, and help heal raw throat tissues. Typical immune boosters such as echinacea and goldenseal or Oregon grape root are good to take when you have a sore throat that is caused by a cold or flu.

Garlic can also be helpful when battling illiness because it will fight off offending bacteria or viruses. Try adding it raw to your salad and other dishes.

Mucilaginous herbs can ease any sore throat. Marshmallow and slippery elm do a great job. Gargling with astringent herbs will alleviate discomfort. Raspberry or blackberry leaves along with elder flowers are good for this purpose. Combine them with marshmallow and licorice for a soothing effect.

Cayenne pepper, believe it or not, helps to stop pain, so add it to your gargling mixture. It is crucial to gargle all these herbs before swallowing them.

Whatever remedy you pick, herbal options can help soothe and heal a sore throat, whether it is the result of a cold, voice overuse or another affliction.

Herbal Throat Lozenges
These homemade lozenges are simple, easy, and quite effective at treating a sore threat. Try them the next time you have a cold.

3 tablespoons licorice, powdered
3 tablespoons marshmallow or slippery elm, powdered
3 tablespoons red raspberry leaves, powdered
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
10 drops scented geranium, sage, or rosemary
essential oil
Mix herbal powders together with just enough honey to make a thick goo. Add essential oil and mix well with fork or fingers. Pinch off small pieces, roll into balls, and flatten slightly to form a lozenge.

Toss lightly in a bowl with a little cornstarch. Set to dry for 12 hours. Store in an airtight container.

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