Anxiety Natural Herbal Treatment

Many plant medicines alleviate occasional anxiety. For cases of mild to moderate anxiety reach for soothing and nourishing herbs like Chamomile ,Linden and oatstraw for a herbal tea break. These herbs are safe and effective is for anyone whose nervous system feels frayed or stressed.

Herbal Sedatives : The sedative qualities of Hops, Scullcap, Valerian can be beneficial to the nervous system, and do not cause dependence or tolerance. Start out with a small dose, and adjust the amount as needed, to get the right combination of relaxation without over sedation. Most anti-anxiety herbs are compatible and enhance each others effect, however, do not mix herbs with prescription anti-anxiety drugs, the results can be unpredictable at best..1

Essential Oils for Anxiety: Aromatherapy is especially suited to support emotional healing and produce more positive feelings. To treat anxiety, choose essential oils that are sedative and tonic to the nervous system. Clary Sage oil, Lavender, 2 and Neroli all have soothing, sedating phytochemicals that readily absorb into the skin. These appealing floral scents can be used as a perfumes, and can help you maintain a calm, steady outlook on your day.

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