Abdominal Bloating Treatment
If you experience excessive amounts of bloating you may want to consider changing your diet.

Foods that can cause the accumulation of gas include: beans (particularly baked and dried beans), dairy products, root vegetables and cabbages, prunes, wheat and whey products, pan fried, deep fried, and oily foods, and finally, carbonated beverages. These are just a few of the things you may want to avoid if you're striving for a gas-free diet. And don’t over eat. That’s a big one, and you will be too if you keep overeating.

If you want to get rid of bloating, you may want to assess the possibility of a food allergy. This can be done without the help of a physician, at first, by starting what we call a diet journal or diet diary. Basically, what you do is write down everything you had to eat each day along with whether or not you experienced any bloating. If you have continual symptoms, you may want to try changing up your diet to see if they go away when you don’t eat dairy, for instance. This is really the only way to zero in on a food allergy if that’s the problem.

The most common and unrecognized causes of bloating is lactose intolerance. I'm lactose intolerant, and for the longest time I had no idea why it was I had a lot of gas, gas pains, and bloating. Well, I finally figured it out after drinking almost a gallon of milk in one day. I've never been in so much pain (or the bathroom) at one time. Want to know if you're lactose intolerant? Just down a glass of milk and wait for either the gas, bloating, or diarrhea to come out the other end. Dairy isn't a hard thing to avoid and luckily they make lactose free milk!

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