
The Alternative Remedies Library
Dry Skin - Dietary Recommendations


Dietary Treatments for Dry skin

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Since dry skin is caused due to vata or pitta vitiation, the diet should be designed to reduce these vitiations. Vata is the air element; while pitta is the fire element. The following guidelines must READ MORE

Diet Recommendations for Dry Skin

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You can follow the the following recommendations for your dry skin. 1.Always have a balanced diet with lots of cereals, fruits, vegetables and nuts which are rich in protein, carbohydrate, and fat. READ MORE

Diet recommendation for dry skin

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Diet takes a vital part to keep the moisture level of your dry skin balanced. Here is a list of recommended diet for your dry skin. • Always maintain a balanced diet with lots of vegetables, fr READ MORE

Diet for Healthy Skin

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If you have dry skin, you know that lotions and moisturizers help. But can certain dietary choices combat dry, itchy, scaly skin? "The most important part of the skin barrier is lipids, including READ MORE

Diet Recommendations for Dry Skin

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Eat a balanced diet that includes vegetables, fruits, grains, seeds, and nuts. Eat quality protein from vegetable sources. Increase your intake of raw foods. Eat foods such as garlic, onions, eggs READ MORE
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